Friday, November 12, 2010


BABY GIRLS FIRST DAY VIEW. Sorry these arent as good and some of the ones I have seen. But my placenta is in the front by her face, so they couldn't get a very good picture. But you can still she her pretty well. here you can see her nose and mouth one eye.

baby girl side profile
baby girl waving saying Hello to her mommy and daddy.
this is baby girl with her hand up to her forehead
baby girls leg and part of a foot. Wayne and I are pretty stuck on this little girlie. She already doesn't like having her picture taken, she is so stubborn, she will be moving and Ill put my hand or Waynes had on my belly and she will stop kicking. Today she kept moving around the probe. It was pretty funny once the tech took the probe off of my stomach she went to moving and kicking a lot. Well not much to say right now pretty much speak-less right now just enjoying the pictures that have.