Sunday, May 10, 2009

This was our Hotel 70 floors OMG!!!! that was high

Heading to Atlanta Georgia from Denver. I actually got a window seat... Here you will see the Frost on my window. It was -70 degrees up at 36+thousand feet.. This is my friend Jen Henry that went with on my first business trip. She was relaxed because she has flown before this.. This was my FIRST TIME EVER!!!! It was awesome...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

HaPpY eAsTeR eVeRyOnE!!!!!! Hope everyone had a good Easter. Wayne and I went to my Grandparents Fisher house for Easter Lunch. Rylan and I brushed Gypsy, Molly, and Trigger our horses. Walked Gypsy because she hurt her leg. Then Wayne and I came back home to watch Pearl Harbor. So pretty Lazy Easter for us. hApPy EaStEr!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

So Wayne & I went to the
Living Planet Aquaruim It was soo cool to see all of the different kind of FISH!!! There were jelly fish the lights would change colors and so did the jellys There was also an Eight legged OCTOPUS It was really cool but Gross.. Wayne said YUMMY!!! Now my FAVORITE SEA HORSES See what Wayne got to do PET A STING RAY Ill post more a little while later.. But this was just one room the other rooms are utah's Fish and then the Rain Forest.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Snow Snow go away!!! Don't come back til next year!!!

Man who turned on the darn snow!!!! Come on!! Really!!! It really needs to warm up. Because I said so.. Well Wayne and I are going to be heading to the city again tomorrow for a wedding, and maybe Squeakers rodeo.. If we can get through the cayons. Everyone have a FABULOUS WEEKEND, and see you Monday!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Okay so this month is going to be SOOOOOOOOO busy at work.
1- April 7th-- Going to Orem to a granite factory to see how they cut the granite EXCITED!!! 2- April 10-11th---Home and Garden Show in vernal. I will be sitting in a both for two whole days talking and impressing strangers. YEAH not so exciting!! 3-April 14th--Open House for my Showroom. Yeah Finally I might be able to get my name out more and more.. A little NERVOUS!!! 4-April 29th-May 3rd-- KBISS!!!! Flying to Atlanta Georgia. I will be staying in a beautiful Hotel All food and expenses paid for by my WORK!!!! And all I have to do is walk around and go to the PARTIES!!! That is what Im talking about.....

Friends Friends Friends

Wow, Never thought that Friends are everything is this world. Im so blessed to have such great friends. Especially the ones that will actually go into my blog and help me get started.. THANKS ASH. Your the best ever.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Found Sadie YEAH!!!!

Im so glad that there are still some honest people in this world... Thankyou the Hicken Family.. We owe you so much. You brought us joy again... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU


#2 So my family is on #2 of the 3. Quincee had the horse go over on her. Luckly she only got a really bad bruised ankle and pulled tendons. Now we are waiting for #3. Hopefully nothing to bad that we can't deal with it.

Pray for Sadie

Sad Okay so on Saturday, I was helping my dad. Well my grandpa went down to Roosevelt, to buy some calves. Well dad Quincee and I hooked up the truck and trailor. Loaded Sadie (puppy) in the back of the truck. Dad got a phone call and he got called out on a power outage and so he had to go to work. So Quincee and I took truck, trailor and Sadie down to get the roping calves. This was my first time driving the truck and trailor through Roosevelt. Hoping I wouldn't side sipe the cars on the side of the road. Well we get to the Sale barn. I seen my grandpa and got out of the truck and went to grab Sadie. But there was no Sadie..... We called for her and called. Cant find her and now Quincee and Rylan (cousin) jumped into grandpas truck to go looking for Sadie on the side of the road. They couldnt find her so they came back and got me so I could help. Well we could not find her... At all we thought that if she jumped out that we would find her on the side of the road dead. But we could even find her body. So we are hoping and Praying that she is alive and is finding her way home. Or that some one has picked her up and will return her back home. Im having the hardest time ever with this. My mom says "Ashley she is just a dog, dont beat yourself up on this. It would have happened to anyone." But it didnt it happened to me and I feel so bad. I wish there was anything else I can do. I did everything that I can think of from walking the road, back roads, calling for her, calling the police, animal shelter, vets, etc. And no one has seen or heard of a small dog running around. Please Pray for Sadie!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, my friend Ashley Bown said she would like me to blog more. And since I don't have a lot of excitement in my life. I will say how my week went. So on Tuesday morning I woke up and showered and started to curl my hair. Well my fingers decided to be butterfingers and I dropped the curling iron. Yes you pictured it landed in between my boobs. So now I have two burn blisters on each one. One is worse then the other. Laugh all you want it just about killed me. It is Sunday and it still hurts. I called the doctor to get ointment to rub on the burns. I have a hard time wearing a shirt that at work I was putting my scissors down in my bra so it would hold my shirt up and out from the burns. Well Ash what do you think about this blog. I told you I would try... So im trying... ha ha

Something Wayne and I Like to do during the hot summer days Watching Quincee my youngest sis. I took these pics.
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dad getting dry!!!
Poor Puppy she was so cold!!! (next to the fire)
Madie does not the sound of the Thunder!!! They actually got to swim one day out of 4 Days that we were up there. It was COLD!! BUT HELA FUN!!

"Mathews CampOut" This is Wayne and I tent. It rained for all 3 days!! We thought our tent was going to get washed down river!!1