Monday, April 19, 2010

Roping in Price

Prep Talk from the best Daddy ever!!! Get'em Quincee GO GO GO!! That dang calf went right through the loop or she would have got an awesome time.. Next time Quincee We all so love watching her. I think it may be one of my favorite things to do is watch my sisters.

Quincee rounding the first barrel. Sorry I tried to crop it but for some reason my computer wont save it.. Ill be working on it..

On her way home.

Jump Jump higher higher

Rylan Rashae, She loves to jump, and finally grandma found something she can enjoy and jump at the same time.
She sure can get some air. I was grandma's one day and Rylan comes up to me and wants me to go outside and watch her. well of course I do and we went to the side of the house and she has a rope that is as high as the fence and tighted off to the house. Well the fence is about to my waist if not higher. Which means about her chest high and she cleared the dang thing.. She was actually training her dog Toostie.
She cleared it. With room for more.. She is amazing. Takes after her amazing mother Stacy. Sure miss you Aunt Stacy..

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Girl Girl Girl

Well I just found out today that my niece or nephew is going to be a niece yeah.. Now I can actually go out and start spoiling the little shit.. PINK PINK PINK!! Sorry Cody Im going to turn this girl into a cowgirl princess, and pink everywhere. Love you guys so much.. Blankets here we come. ITS A GIRL!!!!! Now Ill have 5 nieces and 1 nephew. Well at least we know what to do and get for girls.. Im so so so excited to be an Aunt on my side of the family. Mom and Dad are so tickled Pink to be grandparents, and Quincee, Rylan and I are excited to be Aunts. Auntie Ashley sounds pretty cool. Mommy Kandice and Daddy Cody sound even better. I wonder what she looks like. I know she already acts like Kandice all shy and wont give you any clues of whatz up her sleeves. Kandice and Cody your going to be great parents. Wayne and I are so excited. Did I tell you Im EXCITED for my niece to be here. 17 weeks and 1 day Kandice posted. Im counting down...

Monday, April 5, 2010


Wayne and I went looking for and new car, and found one.. We were only going to look we didnt think we could actually get one but we found this baby and just couldn't pass up the deal. Plus I have wanted one of these since they came out.

Waynes first time @ the zoo!!

Wayne and I decided to go the Zoo. Wayne has not been to the Zoo ever. So I treated him to it. For some reason I remember it being a lot bigger and more fun. It was fun, but it sad at the same time. I knew they had a long tongue just not that long..
I think this was the best part of the day. Getting to see the baby Elephant. She was so cute.
This monkey reminded me of Wayne. ha ha

Hunting 2009

Okay, so Kandice showed me how to blog a little better. I wont be as good as her she got the Aunt Stacy gene for decorating etc. But here we go.
I have a few pictures from the hunting season 2009. Dad so sure a proud father in law. He is so excited to have boys finally in the family.
We went up to Moon Lake was shooting and having a picnic. Well we ALL love to shoot guns. We had a few yes a few guns that we were shooting. It was great. After the hunt I went back to work and one of my plumbers, were like my family and I went up to Moon lake and there was a bunch of crazy war path people down at the lake shooting. I started to laugh so hard. I was like yeah that was my bunch. We love to shoot.
Kandice and her cop invasion stand. I was funny watching her shake her butt. Even Aunt Linda Fisher shoot a gun. We all stay at their place that they have up at Moon Lake. It is perfect for all of us wild hunters. We love it thanks Uncle Ray for letting us come up and fun with you can't wait till next year! We also found out that Cody can call in Moose. It was hilarious its a good thing it was just us up there that day. People probably would think we were drunk or dead with all of us calling in the moose.. I hope they are up there again next year. And that we can actually get pictures of the big bull, he was huge..